When it comes to IELTS Listening and IELTS Reading you need to know what details matter when you fill out your answer sheets.
Does it matter if you capitalize your letters?
Does spelling matter?
What about punctuation?
Find out today!
So what matters when you write your answers on the answer sheet?
Only two things matter and they are:
1) Having the correct word
2) Spelling
3) Clear handwriting
You don’t need to worry about:
1) Spacing
2) Hyphens
Remember to focus on Connection NOT Perfection when you prepare for the IELTS.
Don’t worry about the little details like tiny grammar points that won’t change your score.
You can’t bring your old English-learning mentality into your IELTS preparation.
You need to remember that your score is an average.
Focus on what matters most!
What questions do you have about IELTS Listening or IELTS Reading?
Let us know in the comments section below!