Are you a lucky person?
The topic of luck often comes up on the IELTS exam.
Today we’ll give you 3 key phrases to use when talking about luck.
We also discuss why you might want to avoid listing every bad thing that happens to you!
These are high level ways to discuss having bad luck that can get you that 7 or higher.
Add these to your vocabulary notebook and practice them so that you can be prepared on test day!
Where does the topic of luck come up on IELTS?
In Speaking Part 1 you might be asked if you think you’re a lucky person.
You may be asked in Speaking Part 2 about a time you’ve had bad luck.
- Something you bought which broke immediately
- A time something went wrong while you were traveling
In Part 3 you might be asked about superstitions.
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#1 When it rains, it pours
This expression means that more of something is coming.
It’s a great phrase to use if many bad things happened.
You can say, “My car broke down and when it rains, it pours! Everything started going wrong!”
Alluding to things that happened rather than listing them can increase your cohesion/coherence score.
Instead of listing things separately, provide an air of mystery about what exactly happened.
#2 Bad things come in threes
This expression is a superstition.
- superstition: belief that a supernatural cause resulted in a consequence
Some people believe it, some don’t.
If something bad happens, you may hear someone say, “Watch out! Bad things come in threes.”
When three bad things happen, we call attention to it which “proves” the rule.
#3 Murphy’s Law
This “law” is that what can go wrong will go wrong.
We often prepare for every eventuality, expecting the worst to happen.
Use this when you are telling a story and describing a series of events.
- a project at work
- a presentation
- a holiday
You can say, “Murphy’s Law was in charge. Everything went wrong.”
This can sometimes be true for the IELTS exam!
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Good things also come in threes, like these 3 phrases for talking about luck.
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