Did you know that reading can improve your speaking?
Reading helps so much more than just the IELTS Reading score!
Today we share 5 ways that reading can boost your IELTS Speaking score.
Listen in for this advice so you can get the 7 or higher that you need.
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Today’s question
An IELTS student sent us the following question:
What is the best source for reading examples of speaking test?
I mean, when you practice about sleep, where can I read good example sentences?
Can you introduce a special book?
We have worked with students who have long lists of IELTS topic ideas.
Avoid these lists!
Because they aren’t your ideas, it won’t sound natural if you try to use them.
Memorizing someone else’s ideas won’t help you.
How do sample answers help?
The sample answers we provide are not meant to be memorized.
We share these to show how to present your ideas.
They are models that show the goal.
- High level vocabulary
- Variety of intonation
- Personal details
Don’t waste time memorizing someone else’s answers.
Reciting memorized answers makes you sound like a robot and gets away from that native, natural speech you need.
#1: Reading improves vocabulary
You need high level vocabulary on Speaking.
Everything you read will improve your Vocabulary.
- Higher level, more formal words
- Informal words and slang
Turn on subtitles when you watch TV or movies.
This will give you a chance to see the new vocabulary and hear how natives use it.
Every time you watch a show, add a couple of new words to your vocabulary notebook.
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#2: Reading improves listening skills
There are many benefits to reading transcripts or subtitles while you listen.
Not only are you learning new vocabulary, but you are also improving your listening skills.
You are seeing words that you wouldn’t have understood if you hadn’t read them on the screen.
- Idioms
- Slang
- Native phrases
As you read transcripts for podcasts and subtitles, you improve listening skills and comprehension.
It helps you understand how fast natives talk and the weird way they blend and connect words.
Check out our app for transcripts to All Ears English episodes!
#3: Reading aloud improves pronunciation
Listen to 5-10 seconds of speech.
Then, pause the episode or show.
Read the transcript aloud and repeat it back, trying to sound exactly like the person.
Vary your intonation and allow emotion to show in your voice.
This type of mimicking improves your Pronunciation score.
#4: Reading gives you ideas for the exam
There are Part 3 questions that will require examples from the news.
So many topics require knowledge about culture and current events.
- Society
- Culture
- Technology
- Media
The more you read, the more ideas you will have!
You may not have experience with a topic, but you can share the experience of someone you read about!
#5 Read our blog!
The write-ups here on the blog are detailed and extremely useful.
You can find definitions and spelling of new vocabulary words.
We also have example sentences.
This is the best way to get details for every IELTS Energy podcast.
Reading improves so many skills that are necessary for IELTS.
Today’s 5 tips explain how reading will improve Listening, Writing and Speaking as well.
Reading is the way to increase your vocabulary!
Speaking and pronunciation are improved as you read aloud and mimic native speakers.
For all the strategies you need, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!
And to get your estimated band score, take our free 2-minute quiz!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Please leave a comment below.