Do you feel nervous about the IELTS Reading test especially when it comes to matching headings to paragraphs?
Today you’ll get the one-minute system for matching headings to paragraphs on the IELTS.
Last week we talked about Y/N/NG questions on the Reading test so check those out if you are confused about that.
Matching headings to paragraphs should not be hard if you have a good strategy and if you have spent a lot of time practicing your strategy.
Without a strategy you will struggle and you won’t get the score you need.
The main ideas come at the beginning and end of the paragraph.
At least 75% of the answers are in the beginning and the end of the paragraphs also.
Here is the strategy that you should follow for these question types:
- Step 1: Skim the passage. Spend one minute doing this. Read the beginning and end of every paragraph.
- Step 2: Go back to the headings. Underline key words (names, numbers, nouns that are important). Don’t over think this. There is not one right answer for key words. This is to help you focus.
- Step 3: Next go to paragraph 1. Read the beginning. Read it in detail. Go back to the headings and try to match. Don’t think too much about meaning. You are matching vocabulary and parallel expressions. Do you see words in the paragraph that mean the same thing as the headings. If you can’t match from the beginning of the paragraph then try checking out the end of the paragraph. Try not to spend more than one minute on each heading.
Remember, it’s not enough just to know these steps. You must practice them and get comfortable with them. Find a great course or an IELTS professional to work with.
What questions do you have about this IELTS question type?
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