Today you’ll hear the rumor that pulls people’s IELTS Speaking test scores down to a 2.
You’ll also find out how to make sure you don’t get a low score and what you should do instead of following this bad advice to get the highest possible score.
There is a rumor that students repeat which says this: “Using memorized phrases could lower your score.”
But this doesn’t make sense because to some extent all phrases have to be “memorized” to learn them.
But if you memorize a full 2-minute speech before the exam and you launch into your memorized speech and it has nothing to do with the Speaking topic and question then of course you will get a terrible score because those aren’t your words and your answer is not relevant to the question.
Don’t ever memorize whole answers because you don’t know what the questions will be.
That is RIDICULOUS waste of time.
Now, what about the transition phrases we talk about?
You do have to memorize them.
Memorization is inherent in learning vocabulary in some ways.
Everything we say has been memorized at some point but just memorizing them is not enough for you 7 or higher.
You need to see and understand how to use these phrases in context.
The reason that phrases can sound memorized is that they are used in the wrong context.
Type your transition phrase that you want to use on the test into Google search and let Google show you how these phrases are used. Look at the top 5 Google examples.
So, memorization is important so that you use the phrases correctly but you also have to see them in context so that you know when and how to use them if you really want to score high on IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking.
Any questions from today?
Let us know in the comments below.