Today you’ll read a sample IELTS Task 2 brainstorm related to government, and get some homework for your study plan!
This comment was posted by Jamie Chen on our YouTube channel:
Thanks for your teaching. It is amazing! Is it possible to talk about the theme below? I’ll appreciate it!
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestionably carry out the will of the people serve.
It is an IELTS myth that you don’t talk about politics or religion on the test, as these two subjects can indeed come up often, related to Writing and Speaking questions about culture and government.
In order to be prepared, you must access information in English about your government, religion and culture.
This is vital, as you may or may not be used to discussing these things in your first language, but usually not in English!
Brainstorms for the question above will vary widely according to the where the candidate is from.
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IELTS Task 2 Government Brainstorm
- Populous not always highly educated, can’t make informed choices
- Populous swayed strongly according to personal economic circumstances, not general good of the people
- Recent elections in the U.S. and Brazil
- Although I disagree with results of voting, I still trust that democracy is greatest form of govt.
- Must keep leaders in check, through voting
- Trump can’t carry out complete personal agenda on immigration, due to state voting and ‘sanctuary’ states/cities, like Portland, OR
Your Homework!
Go to websites of reputable English-language newspapers, such as The New York Times or The Guardian.
Search for your country, and read top 3 articles that come up in the results.
Then, come back and leave a comment on this post about what you found out!
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