Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Are you looking for a way around it?

Today, Lindsay and Michelle share a story about one student who overcame his fear of speaking English by being an expert at something else!


An English student in an American business course had little confidence in his English abilities.  But when the other students in his course discovered that he understood their subject better than any of them, he was asked to be their tutor.  Of course, they wanted him to tutor them in English.

This turned out much better than expected.  As a tutor, he had to be in the moment and focused.  He couldn’t worry about his inhibitions or nervousness, or making mistakes.  And because of this, he was able to take control.


A classroom is a safe place to learn English, but you are expected not to make mistakes, and so you must focus on your own perfection rather than connection.  Connecting with others is more natural.  Try to get out of the classroom and overcome your inhibitions.


How do you practice English outside the classroom?

Does it help make you less self-conscious about speaking English?

Let us know in the comments section below!

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