Sometimes the topic of the environment comes up on IELTS.
Today we’ll talk about 3 interesting and motivating resources to prepare for IELTS environmental topics.
The topic of the “environment” is very common all over the IELTS Exam.
You could hear a conversation or a speech about it on Listening, read a passage about it in Reading, or be asked to discuss it in Speaking or Writing.
Thus, you should start preparing now!
Learn about the many issues associated with this very broad topic, and also learn some topic-specific, impressive vocabulary.
Watch the video to learn more!
Science Friday
This is a weekly NPR show, hosted by Ira Flatow, and it is well-known among American nerds, like me.
As this is a radio program, it is excellent for Listening practice.
Recently, they had segments about Nuclear Safety and Polar Bears. sci/environment
There is a whole section on the BBC website just for science and the environment!
You can read, listen and watch here.
There were fascinating articles recently about a solar airplane and river health in England.
National Geographic
On their website,, there are amazing stories about a wide swath of environment-related topics, such as what the world would look like if the ice melted.
Reading and listening to these resources is only the first step, though!
Next, you must learn the IELTS Reading and Listening strategies.
Then, apply these to IELTS-valid test practice.
In our online IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS, we give you all the strategies and practice you need to score highly on all parts of the IELTS exam.
Check out our online course now, the only one with a guaranteed score increase, at
What questions do you have from today?
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