Did you know that repeating the same word or phrase too many times brings your vocabulary score down for IELTS Speaking and Writing?
Even if you are using some high-scoring phrases, your vocabulary score cannot rise above a 6 if you have noticeable repetitions.
Start recording yourself when you practice IELTS Speaking answers. Also, include this step when you proofread your essays.
When you see or hear the same word more than twice, write it down, and employ one of the strategies below.
Then, practice the answers or essay again, using the new vocabulary.
Example: repeating the phrase ‘people in the city’
How can I replace this phrase?
1. Paraphrase
Use more interesting synonyms, such as local residents or urban inhabitants
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2. Be more specific
What, or whom, exactly are you talking about?
For instance: laborers, lower-income households, juveniles
3. Use pronouns
Sometimes the simplest way to replace a repeated word or phrase is to use a pronoun. In this case, using they, them, or those individuals.
Using pronoun reference improves your Coherence score as well, in both Speaking and Writing. This is a skill the examiner is specifically looking for.
Practice using these three strategies, and increase your vocabulary score on your next IELTS Exam!
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