Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

English phrase make my day

Do you have something that really makes your day?

Have you heard people say that something makes their day and felt unclear about what this meant?

This is one of those common phrases in English, but you want to be sure you understand it.

We’re going to talk about what this phrase means and how you may use it appropriately.


Using Common Phrases In English

There are a variety of ways that you might talk about something that “made your day”.

This is basically speaking to the fact that something made you really happy.

It means that this one thing turned your day from bad to good.

You might use “make my day” to describe a job promotion, a good test score, or something bigger like expecting a child.


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Ways To Use This Common Phrase

Saying something “made your day” is quite common, and there are a variety of ways to use it in conversation.

Other ways this phrase can be used:

  • When someone does something nice for you: It may be a surprise or favor, or just a nice gesture. It is often unexpected, but it is so welcome and takes you by surprise in a really great way.
    • ” I got your favorite ice cream. Wow, thank you so much that completely made my day!”
  • When you talk about something that makes you happy in general: It may be used to speak about something positive in your day. It may be about an area of your life that makes you feel joyful. It just might be that you are referring to something that puts a smile on your face.
    • “I just had my family in from out of town. It always makes my day when I get to see my younger cousins because they are just so sweet!”
  • When you ask for a favor: You are hoping to persuade the person to help you with something, but you want that one little extra push. You want them to know that if they help you, it will bring you great joy.
    • “It would really make my day if you could help me with the dishes this time.”
  • You can always use it to exaggerate a positive feeling: You’re trying to convey just how much this action or gesture meant to you. This is a way to expand upon something that makes you feel good, and it may help somebody else to feel good for doing it.
    • “That vacation really made my whole year. It was fantastic and I loved every minute of it!”


You can use the phrase in different tenses depending upon what the event is.

It ultimately conveys pure joy about something that was said or done.



To say that something “made your day” is a very dynamic phrase.

It’s a great way to connect with someone to tell them what they are doing is making you happy.

You want to use this in different ways to let somebody know that their gesture or words meant a lot.

Practice using it and see the positive response it gets from the person you are talking to.


If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 

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