Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Do you hear people talking about the environment in English?

Do you want to be part of the conversation about the environment in English? Would you like to be able to voice your opinion and even debate about this topic?

Do you want to know what the big disagreements are and what the right words are to use?

We’re going to look at why the environment is such a topic of conversation around the world and in American culture, and what you can do to talk about it effectively.

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Here is a letter from one of our listeners who challenged us to cover this topic today:

Hi to both,

Traveling all over the world is important. The flip side to that though is that there is a downside to air travel. You encourage us to travel and to learn, which is important. The reality is that traveling is great and it’s important. It made me ponder however about a different angle to this though.

Climate change is something that should be coming up in our everyday conversations. We should talk about this, how it affects our lives, and things we can do each day. You haven’t been afraid to take on challenges in your podcast, so this seems like a great topic to discuss.

Thank you very much,


Finding Balance With Your Actions

This is an important topic to tackle.

Travel is important especially when it comes to learning a new language.

This is however a challenge because the environment is something that we need to take into consideration where travel is concerned.

It’s about sustainability–which is to say making things last.

This is important when it comes to our environment and to our resources available to us.

Many parts of the country have banned plastic bags because they are bad for the environment and they don’t contribute to sustainability.

The flip side to being environmentally conscious is that if you forget with the bags or something like this, then you may be shamed.

It’s About Reflection

What is our world going to look like twenty years from now?

It may very well look very different, and we’re not doing enough about it.

So it’s about being environmentally conscious in our approach and our thoughts.

You want to be aware of what you are doing, the resources that you are doing, and the changes that you could make to improve all of this.

It’s about what you are doing in your daily lives to try to contribute to being environmentally conscious.

Knowing How To Talk About The Environment

There are certain terms that are bound to come up in conversation quite often.

Knowing how to talk about the environment or the measures that you take is important.

These terms can help you to have meaningful conversation on something that is a really big issue right now.

  • Green: This is the general word used to talk about giving back to the environment. This means that you put the needs of the environment first. Being green means that you are driven by measures that help to protect the earth. This is a broad topic that you will hear a lot.
  • Leading a more green lifestyle: You would say this to mean that you are trying to be more aware of what you do to protect the environment. You make tweaks in your lifestyle and the things that you do to make the environment a priority. Any changes that you make in your lifestyle can only help the environment each and every day.
  • Environmentally aware or conscious: This is about being aware of your environment and taking steps to protect it. This is about being conscious of your actions and the things that you do which contribute to giving back. All of the decisions you make and things that you do can help the environment.
  • Align: This is about balance–and trying to work through your own personal goals with your actions. Finding the balance between the actions that you take as it relates to the environment. Making choices to help you fall in line with the measures that will protect the environment. Your actions can align with what is best for the earth.
  • Impact: The actions that you take can affect the earth, both good and bad. The carbon footprint that you leave is what sort of resources that you use on this earth. The actions that you take have an impact upon the environment. You want that impact to be positive and therefore your actions matter greatly.

We all do our best personally but we need some big steps and big actions to take place.

This is driven by the government, so this will be in the news quite a bit with elections coming up.

The steps that we take matter on a personal level, but it has to be a bigger step to protect the country and the environment as a whole.


The environment is a really important topic to be able to talk about.

You now have the terms that are used to come up in conversation around this topic in American English.

All of the things that you do on a daily basis matter greatly.

It’s also about bigger measures, but also understanding the impact of what is being done.

Knowing how to talk about the environment is a great way to make connections in your daily life!

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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