Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Have you ever given yourself a pat on the back for something good that you did?

Do you ever take the time to recognize things that you do well or enjoy your accomplishments?

During this quarantine when there is so much negative, it can be very uplifting to look at the positive things in your life.

You need to think of the positive accomplishments that you have in your life and give yourself a pat on the back.

We all tend to be too hard on ourselves, and this is a great time to look at the good that you do.

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We Need To Celebrate Our Accomplishments Sometimes

What are our listeners proud of in our daily lives as we all spend a lot of time at home?

We are all inspired by people, and that’s a big part of life.

Right now we are in the thick of things with Covid, and we’re seeing some wonderful examples of people who inspire us.

For example, people are making masks for healthcare professionals or nursing homes–this is really inspirational.

People are making the most out of a really tough situation.

All of our listeners are inspiring us, and continue to inspire us especially right now.

You may not take the time in everyday life to look at what you do well, but you should.

We all have things in our life that we need to recognize and feel good about.

This is a great time to look at what you do well, or consider the things you should give yourself a pat on the back about.

Looking At The Best In Everyone

This may seem like an odd time to give yourself a pat on the back, but it’s actually a really great time to take a step back.

Recently we posted a video on Instagram because Michelle was giving herself a pat on the back because she was doing a great job with something.

This lead to the thought that perhaps our listeners have things that they feel proud of, and this is a great time to really look at that and enjoy it.

When you feel accomplished, you want to be able to celebrate that and give yourself a pat on the back.

Sometimes we have to take a step back and take a look at the good in ourselves.

We all do something that we should feel good about, and we need to take the time to enjoy that and celebrate it.

We have been having a lot of inspirational episodes, and today is about focusing on what we do that is great ourselves.

You are probably too hard on yourself as so many of us are, and we need to instead see the good in what we do.

Michelle also posted a question such as “what should you give yourself a pat on the back about?”

What positive things should you celebrate about yourself?

There were 50 comments or responses about people feeling good about what they are doing.

This is such a positive and inspirational thing to look at right now, and there is something within you that you need to celerate too.

Recognizing The Accomplishments of Our Listeners

This post on our Instagram page and the question really opened up the lines of communication.

This got people thinking because we saw so many comments of what people feel proud of themselves for.

You can see from these examples that accomplishments can be big or small, but they are what you find to be important.

If these accomplishments allow you to feel good about yourself and give yourself a pat on the back, then they are a wonderful thing.

Here are some great examples to look at.

“I give myself a pat on the back because I’m being a good teacher for my kids during the quarantine.”

This is huge for all the parents out there who are acting as teachers to help their kids during the quarantine.

This allows us to see just how hard our teachers work, as it is a lot for the parents to take on for just their own kids.

If you are helping to teach your kids or keep them current with their schoolwork, then you are doing something really amazing.

“I give myself a pat on the back for making tiramisu for the first time.”

This can bring joy to your family when so many people are going through so much.

It may be just the simple act of giving somebody a piece of cake that helps them to find joy–and you can find joy in that act too!

Trying a new cuisine or recipe can be a great way to help improve yourself, and to highlight or develop a new skill.

It can also help to bring joy to your family, and it can lift somebody’s spirits when they need it the most right now.

“I’m giving myself a pat on the back because I finished 12 books in 3 months.”

This is a huge accomplishment to have a habit of reading.

It’s much easier to turn on the TV, but reading is so much richer and fulfilling.

Doing things to help improve or fulfill yourself is a great way to enjoy who you are and what you do.

These are accomplishments worth celebrating, as you are making good use of your time.

“I give myself a pat on the back because I learned how to draw on the iPad and I’ve drawn some great cartoons.”

Developing a new habit or finding a new skill can be so fulfilling.

This is something that you should feel proud of, and you definitely want to give yourself a pat on the back.

This is something that you didn’t know how to do before, and now you are really working to perfect it.

What can you give yourself a pat on the back for?

What are you proud of yourself for?

This is a great way to connect with others, and our Instagram channel is an excellent place to do it.


We all need to give ourselves a pat on the back sometimes, especially right now during quarantine.

If you are like most people then you are probably too hard on yourself most of the time.

You need to sometimes take a step back and look at the good things that you’re doing.

This is a great point in time to look at what good you are doing and give yourself a pat on the back.

Take the time to celebrate the good things that you are doing and the accomplishments that you have.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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