Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Are you someone who needs a lot of relaxing before you go to sleep?

Do you know what you can do to help yourself relax when you need to?

In this ESL tutorial, we’re talking about relaxing as this can be a very common topic of conversation.

Sometimes you want to tell somebody you are talking to that they should relax, but you want to be sure to do so in the right way.

You also want to be in tune to what you do to relax, because this can come in handy when times are stressful.

You will learn common phrases and ways to relax, which will help you and enhance your conversations too.

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Talking About Relaxing

Today we are going to talk about relaxing, and there’s more to it than you might think!

We recently did an episode on being zen (1363), and we spoke about other episodes related to this topic.

That’s a great episode to listen to for some great background so go listen to that one for a nice understanding.

So this all started with being zen and what that means in your life, and now we’re taking it one step further.

Today we are going to share how we relax and some phrases that are so much  more useful than saying “relax.”

What you should know going into this is that sometimes saying “relax” to the wrong person at the wrong time can actually be a negative thing.

You want to be aware of the way that you say something when you’re trying to get somebody to calm down.

It’s all about having the right phrase to say in the right way that can help you in that moment.

We all need to relax sometimes, and if you are pointing this out to somebody then you want to have the very best way to say it.

We’re going to look at some phrases you can use in this scenario besides just saying relax.

Great Phrases To Use In This Situation

Telling someone to “relax” can work sometimes, but it’s not always your best alternative.

That’s why it’s great to have other options that say the same thing, but perhaps in a better way.

These phrases can all work well when you are talking about relaxing, and you can use them in conversations.

  • Take the edge off: This works when you are talking about relaxing. It means to make something less intense if you are feeling stressed out. It ultimately means you are taking a step back and gaining perspective so you can relax. You might say something like “When I am nervous, I take the edge off by running by the ocean.” Think of what you do to take the edge off, because we all have various ways to relax. Another thing to remember is that this phrase  can be used about not just stress, but physical pain. Getting a massage won’t completely cure your back, but it will be sure to take the edge off the pain.
  • Unwind: This one is more about pure relaxation. If you think of “take the edge off” that often implies that there’s a lot of stress involved. When you think of “unwind” it’s more about pure relaxing. You might say “I like to unwind with a good book at the end of the day.” Again we all have different ways to relax and unwind, and it’s helpful to think through what yours are. We all need to relax sometimes, and knowing what helps you to do just that is important. Having the ability to unwind can really be good for your mental health overall.
  • Let one’s hair down: This may sound a bit feminine, but it certainly has to do with relaxing. It’s all about what you do to get away from stress and relax–figuring out what works best for you. This is often associated with partying and allowing yourself to relax and really be who you are. You could say “I like to go to a happy hour with my friends after work and let my hair down.”

These phrases all work and help to communicate what you do to try to relax.

They can be a great cue to somebody you are talking to if they need to relax and you’re trying to help them to see that.

Try using one of these phrases so that you can help somebody that you are talking to relax–and it can make for a great connection!

Roleplay To Help

With these phrases, it can be quite helpful to see them used in conversation.

In this roleplay, Lindsay is inviting Michelle out to a get together after work because she knows that she’s stressed.

Lindsay: “Wanna come with me when I meet my friends after work?”

Michelle: “I do but I’m so stressed out. I don’t want to be a *drag.”

Lindsay: “C’mon, Michelle. You gotta let your hair down! Forget about that big project for tonight. This **will take your mind off of it!”

Michelle: “Hmm..maybe it will take the edge off if I relax with some friends.”

Lindsay: “Yes, and then make sure you leave time to unwind at home–read that book you’ve been telling me about.”

Michelle: “Okay I’ll come. Thanks!”


These phrases are so much more interesting than just saying “relax” and they can go over well in conversation.

You want to be sure that you use the right tone of voice and say these to the right person so that they are well received.

Try one of these out today and see how they set the right tone when you are talking to somebody.

These are also great conversation starters and can lead to connection so they are important to use!

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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