Do you know what you can do with your tone of voice when you speak English? Would you like to be more interesting when you speak?
Do you want to be able to pronounce American English and catch people’s attention with the way you say the words?
One key way to move your English to the next level is to start to use your tone of voice to create different feelings.
Today you’ll hear about a study done on tone of voice and understand what this can mean for you and your life.
A study was published in the Huffington Post called Changing Your Tone of of Voice May Boost Your Mood, And Here’s How
The study had some interesting findings.
They found that when people listened to people speaking with different tones of voice they felt the same way.
Their mood changed based on what they heard.
In the article they gathered perspectives from a lot of professionals in different fields.
Here is what one researcher said:
“There is a lot of emotional information contained in a person’s voice, such as change in pitch indicating happiness or sadness, increase in volume showing anger, vibrato indicating fear or stress, talking speed signaling excitement, and so on,” Johansson said in the article
The article also suggested that the insights from this study can be used to help people with anxiety and depression.
It can also be used to build confidence.
We use strategic words that convey confidence not just because of the way we want to come off to other people but because we want to hear ourselves using certain words to re-wire our brains to think of ourselves as a different person.
Some studies have found that just smiling can change the tone of your voice and it can lift your mood and anyone who hears you.
How can you improve your tone of voice:
- Practice telling stories in different tones of voice: Try to be over-dramatic. You can always be bigger. Once you think you’re big enough in your voice you probably still need to be bigger. This would be helpful for you if you speak in a monotone way. This will help you to find your voice.
- Listen to people: Notice changes in people’s tone of voice. Notice how they are feeling. It is a sign of social intelligence to be able to do this. Try to mirror your tone of voice with theirs.
- Try to be upbeat: Even if you don’t feel upbeat you should try to “fake it” until you “make it” and you might start to feel it naturally.
*Listen to the conversation in the episode and hear stories being read in a few different ways with different tones of voice.
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