Are you on the hunt for any new products?
Have you heard people use a phrase such as “on the hunt” in English?
This is one of those phrases that you will hear people say when they are trying to find something specific when they’re shopping.
You will learn about such phrases, what different shopping habits are, and how to talk about this common topic in conversation too.
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Talking About Searching For Something
Today we are talking about searching for something.
How can you express yourself?
You don’t always want to use phrases like “I’m looking for” or “I want to find.”
You want to use more interesting and colorful language because that really boosts your vocabulary and English speaking overall!
We’ve done some episodes on the past about shopping that can offer a great background to you.
Check out these episodes so that you have a basic understanding how to talk about shopping.
Shopping is a common activity, and so you want to know how to be a part of conversations that talk about it.
Use these episodes for background, and then you will learn here different ways to talk about searching for something that you want to find while shopping.
Different Ways To Talk About Shopping For A Specific Item
You are likely to find yourself searching for something that you would find in a store at some point in time.
You may very well talk about this, and you may wish to get help or insight from others when you can’t find that item that you’re looking for.
So when you are talking about trying to locate that one specific item, you want to know the right things to say.
There are several phrases that help you to express that you are searching for something.
You can use these when talking to people or even when you are in a store asking for help.
- I’m on the hunt for something: This says that you are looking for something. It’s interesting how hunt makes its way into vocabulary in American English. Using it in this phrase can make it fun and interesting. It tells people that you are searching hard for something and you are on a mission. You could say “I’m on the hunt for a new pair of shoes.” If it’s something specific that’s harder to find you might also say “I’m on the hunt for a gluten free cookbook.”
- In the market for: This may not be used as often, or it may be used for something more specific like a car. You are the shopper that this type of shop is in need of–they want your business! So you might say “I’m in the market for a new car.”
- On a quest for: This may be your own personal journey, and something that you want to see through. You know that you want to find something and you will stop at nothing to find it. This may be about a specific item you want to buy, a food that you want to enjoy, or the best of something in a given category. You could say “I’m on a quest for the best french fries in the city!”
These phrases all let people know what you are trying to find.
They let others know that you are on a mission to find something–and the person that you are talking to may be able to help.
When you use one of these phrases it helps others to know that you have a need, and this can likely help you to find it easier.
Consider Your Own Shopping Habits
Have you ever considered what type of shopper you are?
We all have different shopping habits that can help to define us when we’re looking for something.
Think of the types of stores that you frequent and how you handle shopping trips there.
Are you an impulse shopper?
Do you go into stores with nothing specific to get just to enjoy the experience?
Do you like to window shop?
Sometimes people may have no real reason to shop, but they enjoy the experience.
You may be the type of person that enjoys a little retail therapy, so when you’re feeling down you enjoy a good purchase.
You may be somebody who hates to set foot in a store and therefore do as much as you can online.
We all have different shopping habits, and it can be interesting to compare and contrast with others.
If you are on a mission to find a specific item, you now know how to talk about that.
You may have very different shopping habits depending on the type of purchase that you are searching for.
If you are shopping for food then you may be somebody who has a list and a menu planned for the entire week.
If you are shopping for clothing, you may be more of an impulse shopper and go with things that you like.
If you are looking for something bigger like furniture or a car, then you may be more likely to take time with your purchase.
Take a moment and think about the type of shopper that you are.
Consider what type of shopping habits you have depending on the type of item you are looking for.
This can be an interesting thing to learn about you, but it can also make for great conversation.
No matter what type of shopper you are, there is likely to be a great conversation that comes out of your habits.
This is a great topic of conversation and it can actually lead to some fun connections too.
We have given you many ways to talk about searching for something–which often includes shopping!
This is all great shopping vocabulary and can help you have a good conversation with someone about what they are looking to purchase.
This is a scenario that may come up more often than you realize, and so it’s great to know how to talk about this.
Try these out today and see how they can help your conversations and connections–because we all shop from time to time.
If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.