Are you a long time listener of the show?
Do you use what you hear a lot in everyday life?
It’s time to focus on what you can get out of this show on a daily basis.
Today we’re going to look at how you can really improve your English speaking just by listening to our show and making the most of it.
Today we want to answer a question that is so good, that we discuss a lot, but it’s important to refresh and really help our listeners with this!
Hi Lindsay!
It’s 12:05 A.M. while I’m writing this e-mail to thank you all of your hard work that you put in to teach English in such a fun way! I found your website by chance, I listened to one episode and since then I became addicted
I like listening to your podcasts on my way to work. I live in Boston and I work in Cambridge, so it takes me 45 minutes to get to work by subway.
I have a question for you that I am hoping you can help to answer. First let me tell you what happens for me. When I listen to your podcasts I understand them very well. It’s rare when I have to use a dictionary, but when it comes to speaking it becomes a little bit hard to speak like the native speakers.
My question is–How can I improve my speaking using your podcasts? If you could help me to answer this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much
Great Ways To Use The Show To Improve Your Speaking
This is such a great question, and leads to a fun and very useful breakdown.
This podcast can help you in so many wonderful and useful ways.
If you are looking to it to help you improve your speaking, then there are some specific and wonderful ways to do so.
So how exactly can you use our show to improve your speaking, other than just listening?
- Always relate it back to your own life: We talk about a lot of different situations, we do role plays, we share stories, and we relate our vocabulary to real life and real contexts. As you listen, find ways to make the content personal to you. This helps you to remain focused on what is being said, and you are better able to relate. When you listen, think to yourself and maybe write down how this may relate to the English you use in YOUR life !
There’s a good example that you should check out in episode 1400: Don’t Give Away The Ending! How To Keep TV Show Twists A Surprise In English
Here, we talk about TV shows and twists, which can be interesting and something that you can relate to.
After you listen to this episode, think of who you speak to about things you watch because this can make it personal.
How can you use what you learned from the episode in your real life?
Also, in vocabulary episodes think about when might you use this because that can help too.
Really get specific because that will help prepare you for real conversations that you have.
2. Get our APP with the key words: Then you have your key words all in one place. When you have these, don’t just save them and never look at them again. Review them and make goals for using them. The keywords give you something specific to focus on, and then you can begin to use them in conversation effectively.
Try to use a new word in every conversation you have, and hold yourself accountable! Write down which word you used, and then ask yourself how did it go? Was it well received? How did it make you feel to use this word? This will help with memory, and it will help to solidify things for you in a really fun and personal way.
3. We also have episodes where we say something is a great conversation topic: Be sure to START that conversation with a native speaker and use the episode to guide you! This gives you something concrete to focus on and then you can create meaningful conversations out of it.
A good example of this is in episode 1029: Why Food Reflections Spark The Best English Conversations
People love to talk about food, and so this can make for a great conversation starter.
Remember it all starts with a good keyword, and therefore this is a great way to use this aspect of the episode.
4. Repeat! When we do a role play or even speak in regular conversations on the show, get the transcripts and repeat! Follow along and get your mouth moving. You will get more comfortable speaking and become more fluent if you are diligent.
Repeating what you hear or read is how you develop skills, and this begins to help you commit things to memory. Repetition is an excellent way to master something, and when it comes to this you will find it to be a successful way of really utilizing the material.
5. Talk about it with friends: Tell a friend about the show, and realistically it can even be a native speaker! Talk about what you heard in an episode to get a dialogue going and even ask ask their opinion.
For example, you could say something like “I listen to this podcast called All Ears English. I just heard an episode on ____________.” The subject could be anything from pineapple to pizza or anything in between! pineapple pizza, anything!
“What do you think about that?”
Talking about it with friends can be a great way to connect, and it can be very helpful at the same time.
There are many ways to use our podcast to improve your speaking.
This is such a great way to have fun and learn skills to speak like the natives.
Remember it’s all about Connection NOT Perfection, so don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Take your time, form relationships, don’t be scared, and really start those conversations!
Let us know how it goes, and enjoy the process as you learn along the way.
If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.