Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

The topic of crime often comes up on IELTS Speaking.

Today you’ll hear three sample Speaking Part 3 answers about crime.

This is one of the toughest topics that IELTS throws at you!

You may be asked about this on your next exam.

Learn great vocabulary and ideas today and make sure to take notes!

It’s criminal!

Jessica says it is criminal how much it rains in Florida.

  • criminal: idiomatic adjective meaning ‘terrible’

This is a very native way to exaggerate!

You just say, “It’s criminal that…” and finish with whatever you think is bad.

It’s a crime how many dishes I have to wash every day!

Avoid the word ‘bad!’

Replace it with something higher level and more interesting!

#1: The most common crime

What do you think is the most common crime in your country?

Aubrey starts by answering that minor crimes such as theft are likely the most common.

  • petty crime: less serious crime with less severe punishments

However, she shares an experience her sister had recently.

This made her feel that child abduction happens much more than she realized!

  • abduction: kidnapping

Jessica shares her opinion that crimes against children should have the most severe consequences.

#2: Should punishments be more strict?

Do you think punishments should be more strict or less strict?

This is a minefield. It’s so hard to answer. There are so many factors!

  • minefield: large field with land mines

We use this metaphor idiomatically to describe topics that are controversial.

  • mental stability: the level of mental health an individual has
  • people of means: individuals who are wealthy

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#3: Can criminals change?

Do you think criminals can change?

Aubrey shares her opinion that people can be reformed.

She provides the example of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables.

This is a novel by the French author Victor Hugo.

It has been depicted in countless movies and plays.

Using an example from literature like this is very high-scoring!

Collect ideas!

You need to have ideas on every topic!

These ideas come from a multitude of places.

  • Books
  • Movies
  • Television
  • News stories

It’s not enough to just read to improve vocabulary.

You also need to be filling your brain with ideas and figuring out your opinion.

These ideas will be essential for both IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking.

As you read and listen to English, proactively consider the ideas.

Decide what you think!

Chat with others in English to find out their opinion and compare.


Crime is a very common IELTS topic.

Some of these questions can be very weighty.

They are often controversial and can be very charged.

You must be ready to discuss similar topics on IELTS Speaking.

Very likely, you could also write about crime on Writing Task 2.

Be ready with both ideas and topic-specific vocabulary.

For all the strategies you need, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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