Having too much time on your hands can be a luxury but can it take you further away from your goals?
John F. Kennedy say, “We must use time as a tool not as a couch.”
If we have extra time we have to use it to do something and not waste it.
Parkinson’s Law says: The work that we have to do will expand to fit the allotted time.
This is extremely important to keep in mind if you are preparing for an exam like the IELTS Exam.
If we don’t approach our work with a sense of urgency then we will never get our work done.
Here’s an expression for today:
To pull an all-nighter: This means to stay up all night to get work done. A lot of people do this in college.
What can you do?
- 1- set deadlines
- 2- get an accountability partner- get a support system. Set goals with this person and tell them each day whether or not you have achieved your goal.
What do you think?
Do you struggle with maximizing your time?
What is your strategy to get over this problem? Let us know in the comments below.