Yesterday we talked with presentations expert Carl Kwan. Check out Carl’s interview part 1 and part 2.
How can you connect with your audience?
Find the thing that you have in common. Show that you empathize with them. Here is an example:
“We understand that technology might be a little scary. We know that you are looking for a new way to reach your students.”
“We are teachers too. We know how you feel.”
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How can you show the audience that you want to solve their problem?
“What I’m going to give you today is a solution to your problem.”
How can you talk about the Q and A format?
“Please hold your questions until the end”
Cultural tip!
If you are giving a presentation in the US, you might get some questions in the middle of the presentation so be prepared for that and let the audience know if you want to take the questions at the end. Listeners might also challenge your points and directly disagree with you. Be prepared for that. Know your material. Be confident, but be open to input from others.
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