What is the difference between a coach and a teacher when it comes to learning English?
Find out what the key differences are and what type of mentor will work best for your fast improvement.
What’s the difference?
- A teacher: The assumption is that the teacher has the knowledge and gives it to the student. Henry at Spoken uses the phrase, “A sage on the stage.”
- A coach: The person works alongside the student to guide and encourage, but the student directs the learning. This takes more responsibility on the student’s part. I have heard this being called “the guide by the side.”
I was talking to one of our listeners Marcelo from Brazil about his English learning routine.
Marcelo has created his own unique learning method and he recorded a voice message to tell us about it.
In today’s episode we’ll find out what Marcelo does and how you should apply his tips to your own routine.
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What is Marcelo doing:
- He uses the program Spoken: Why? because it allows him to use new technology and apps like We Chat, What’s App so it’s easy and convenient.
- He believes in the coaching methodology: At Spoken he is able to work with business English coaches who create lessons based on needs and interests. He works on conference call skills. Marcelo is not the only AEE listener who is using Spoken. Fernando also told us a few weeks ago that he finds it useful for business English too.
- He studies wherever he can: His learning plan allows him to be flexible because he can talk to his coaches using the apps. He fits his lessons into his busy lifestyle and studies whenever he can.
- He makes the best use of his time and money: Marcelo is a busy professional. He is an entrepreneur. He is not going to waste time doing it the old way. We don’t need to block off one month anymore to sit in a classroom. Who has the time for that?
- He combines AEE listening with Spoken: He listens to AEE four days a week to get new words, inspiration, and motivation and then he goes to Henry’s team at Spoken to practice.
Marcelo has found the right routine. By combining AEE with Spoken he sees results in his work as an entrepreneur and the stakes are high for him.
Have you found your routine?
If what you are doing isn’t working don’t be complacent.
Try something new.
Start by getting 2 free lessons at Spoken and 20% off your first month by clicking here.