Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

how to be confident when you listen to English

Today we’ll show you how to understand this podcast!

Every day we get emails from you guys, our listeners and you tell us how addicted you are to the show.

We want you to maximize this podcast to connect with people in your world.

How can you use just one of our episodes to be able to understand what you hear, retain it, and discuss it with someone else?

Hi, my name is Mona and I am twenty years old. i am very excited to learn English with you. When someone talks to me I understand but I don’t know how to respond. When I listen to your audios what should I do? Should I focus on every single word? Do you think listen just once or replay and re-listen to every audio then move on? 


Good question!

You definitely should not focus on every single word.

Communication is more about what happens when words come together.

Don’t approach reading or listening by isolating words.

You want to focus on being able to process the information that you hear.

We came up with a 3-step process that you should follow when you listen to AEE.


All Ears English TranscriptsMake sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.

Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.

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3 steps when you use AEE:

  • Step 1: Lower the affective filter: A wall comes up in your mind when you hear English. We call it the First Listening Shock. We want to break that down. First just listen to an episode, close your eyes, and listen comfortably to get the gist. Listen to it as if it were music. If you don’t do this step you can’t do the next steps. This is important!


  • Step 2: Now get into it. Listen and pause every 3-4 minutes to let yourself catch up and think about what you’ve just heard. You have to do this because it’s impossible to process the information at the same speed you are hearing it. You can take notes if that is the way you process. This prevents us from taking too much in at the same time. This will help you take information in calmly and in a way that is under control.


  • Step 3: Listen again but do this while you are doing some kind of physical activity. You could take a run, walk, or hike or do this while you are cleaning the house. Combining using our mind with physical activity is super effective. This is where we practice confidence!


Try this 3- step framework when you listen to the next episode and let us know how it works.


What questions do you have from today?

Let us know in the comments below.

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