Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Americans can be confusing if you aren’t used to their communication style!

How do you know if someone’s invitation is real or if they are just being polite?

Many times, at the end of a conversation, Americans will say, “let’s get coffee or hang out again sometime,” but they often don’t actually mean what they say! They might not really want to see you again.

How confusing is that??!!

Listen to today’s episode to tell the difference between a real invitation and when someone is just being polite and trying to end the conversation.


Conversation 1:

We finish a conversation and Lindsay says that she wants to hang out sometime, but she doesn’t actually mean it! She is only looking for a way to get out of the conversation.


Conversation 2:

We finish a conversation and Lindsay’s co-host invites Lindsay out for coffee the following week.

They talk about specific times and days for the following week and they also say what they want to talk about the next time they meet up.


How do you know if the invitation is real?

  • When an American says “we should hang out sometime” they might be just ending a conversation, but it might not be sincere.
  • Pay attention to the person’s tone of voice and look for enthusiasm in the voice. If they sound excited, they are probably being genuine.
  • If they talk about a specific time or day to get together, they are probably really interested in seeing you again.
  • If they mention something specific that they want to talk about in the next conversation then they probably want to see you again


 Next, get top do’s and don’ts for Skyping with American English speakers.


Have you ever gotten confused by an American’s invitation when they used the phrase “let’s hang out sometime”?

Were they being sincere?

Did you misread their signals?

Let us know your story in the comment section below.

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