Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

how to be a winner in English

Lindsay, are you a sore winner or a sore loser?

Are you very competitive?

When is the last time you won something?

What was it and how did you feel?

Today we’re going to talk about some phrases that are related to winning.

You can slip these into your conversations to sound more natural and connect.


Expressions with “win”:

1) “To be in it to win it”: You are out to win and will try your hardest.

2) “Winner takes all” : This phrase is used to express that whoever wins this round wins the whole game

3) “You can’t win them all” : You say this usually to make someone feel better about losing

4) “To be a sore winner”: You could also say “sore loser.” Both of these phrases mean that you have a bad attitude.

5) “you win some you lose some” : similar in meaning to “you can’t win them all.”

6) “Win-win situation: A situation where either way you win


Now go out and use some of these phrases to connect with natives.

Good luck!

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