Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

Many students may be able to watch a movie in English and understand most of it, but still can’t get high scores on the Listening Exam.

Such as this student:

My biggest IELTS fear is Listening. Normally, I can understand the whole idea. But, if I miss a single gap, or answer, I lose my focus completely and it really affects all my other answers.

This reminds us of our 3 Keys student Roberto, who was the only student in the room to be using strategies. That’s why he got a 8.5 (Jessica said 7.5 on the show- that was a mistake!).

Another student, Maeva, also got an 8.5 in Listening on her recent IELTS Exam, using our strategies.

This is why strategies are so important. You need them to fall back on if you miss something, or else the whole test spirals out of control.

Listening should be the easiest part! It’s the very first section on test day.


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If you feel out of control here, it’s really hard to regain your confidence moving forward with the other IELTS sections.

Key Listening Strategy

Here’s what you need to do to keep track:

  • Underline key words before you listen
  • Key words are not only in the questions, but around the questions
  • While you listen, point to each key word, to keep track
  • If you miss an answer, get back on track quickly, using these underlined key words as a map
  • Remember that all the information is in order on the Listening Exam

Which section on IELTS is the most difficult for you?

Get our free IELTS Masterclass video series at for more strategies!


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