Today you’ll learn why so many IELTS examiners give you a Writing 6.
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This episode is our last installment in our series based on my conversations with current IELTS Examiners around the world.
I recently learned that IDP started farming out the writing corrections 3 or 4 years ago.
Usually, examiners at the center you take the test grade your essays.
However, now, centers all over Asia send your essays to be marked in other countries like India and Australia.
This is because it saves them a great deal of money, and now British Council is also sending out the writing.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t make any difference to what scores you’re getting, because everyone that is allowed to mark your IELTS Writing is trained the same way, and they follow the same band descriptors.
Remember- no band is wider than a 6! A majority of students get 6’s on IELTS Writing.
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The jump, in fact, from a 6 to a 7 is huge. This is the most difficult leap for students to make.
Also, by the way, every single one of today’s issues that my examiner friend noted about students’ writing is addressed in the 3 Keys Writing Module.
Task 2 Problems
- The introduction is too long, even, sometimes, taking up half the essay! This is not necessary, as most of your score will be based on the body paragraphs.
- Follow a template. Keep your introduction to 4 sentences.
- Students are memorizing templates, but aren’t using the phrases correctly, and, additionally, don’t have any good vocabulary of their own around them.
- IELTS recycles a lot of topics, especially about technology, then just replaces one key word. Student then don’t read the question closely and go off-topic.
- Students are still not giving specific examples and details (but not in the conclusion).
- Many candidates wait until the conclusion to give their opinion. In order to give a 7 or higher, however, you need to give your personal position throughout the essay.
What do you think of today’s Task 2 advice?
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