Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

What questions might be asked on the Speaking Exam in the near future?

IELTS wants to stay relevant and include questions that are up-to-date.

Podcasting is huge, and many people listen to them.

You might get asked to describe your favorite podcast!

You can be ready for this question by listening to Lindsay’s and Jessica’s sample answers.

You’ll also get tips on how to improve pronunciation and how to speak for the full 2 minutes!

What to think about when preparing a Speaking Part 2 answer

Figure out how to fill the full 2 minutes.

Get creative!

Do you have a story you can share?

As long as you answer the question directly right away, you can then go on a tangent.

  • tangent: separate line of thought or action
  • Add this word to your vocabulary notebook!

These tangents can be unrelated to the topic.

Just make sure to directly answer the question first!

Strategies Created By a Former Examiner

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Where can you find more IELTS success stories?

Go to our You Tube channel, IELTS Energy TV!

These short, simple YouTube videos are 5-7 minutes each.

Each one highlights a student success story and what they did to improve their scores! You will be inspired and get advice on how to improve your own score.

What other resources are available?

1. Read novels so you have stories to share.

2. Read newspapers and articles, which will give you current events topics to discuss and write about.

  • The Guardian
  • Newsfeeds
  • Facebook

3. Immerse yourself in prior episodes of the IELTS Energy and All Ears English podcasts!

  • Episode 477 Jessica and Lindsay recommended some favorite books and movies.
  • Episode 497 is a great one about student mistakes with TV series

Pay attention to details that can be used to support your Writing and Speaking.

Lindsay’s Part 2 Speaking answer

The question: Can you please describe your favorite podcast?

The Tropical MBA Podcast

  • Hosted by two guys who went into business together
  • They’ve built a remote community of online entrepreneurs
  • It’s called The Dynamite Circle

Why does she love this podcast?

  • It makes her feel that she thinks differently than other people
  • She is able to be connected to other online entrepreneurs
  • They share ideas and goals
  • They challenge each other
  • They share a common language

She is hosting a meet-up for members of The Dynamite Circle next month in Denver, Colorado.

How did Lindsay talk about this podcast for 2 full minutes?

It is difficult to describe something for that long!

At about a minute, she had to start talking about how it relates to her life.

If you have finished providing details about something, start talking about how it affects your life.

Vary your pronunciation by sharing what other people think.

  • Say something like, “People think, ‘That’s crazy!’”
  • Change your intonation to match what they think.
  • This adds a lot of personality.

Don’t just describe episodes and what happened.

Go deeper. What does it mean to you? Why does it matter that this podcast is a part of your life. Share personal details!

Tell a story! Explain the “why.”

Jessica’s Part 2 Speaking answer

The question: Could you describe a podcast that you enjoy listening to?

Mob Queens

  • She’s binged it for two days!
  • The two hosts are female writers in Hollywood
  • They wanted to investigate the women involved in the mob
  • The first season focuses on Anna Genovese, whose husband led the mob for years

Chapter 1 – Anna Genovese

  • Who got killed and why
  • Anna was a very successful businesswoman in her own right
  • In the 1930s and 1940s it was illegal to be a homosexual
  • What the mob did was…

Jessica wasn’t able to finish the story, but that’s okay!

Nothing in the Speaking instructions says you have to finish the story!

Don’t be worried about whether you will finish a story, just start telling it.

How was Jessica able to talk for the full 2 minutes?

She provided context and background details about how, when, and why she listens.

Following the advice she shares with others, she told a story!

Rather than worrying about not having time to finish her story, she just started telling it.


Video: Band 9 Sample Part 2 Answer


Using strategies for the Speaking exam can boost your scores!

Think about questions that might be asked as the IELTS Exam keeps up with trends.

Listen to sample Speaking Part 2 answers and think about how the speaker is able to fill the full 2 minutes.

Practice speaking out loud for 2 minutes on various topics, providing context and telling a story.

Find these strategies and more in the 3 Keys IELTS Success System!

Do you have questions about today’s topic?

Let us know in the comments below

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