Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

Today you will learn 4 Band 9 IELTS vocabulary words about wasting time that can be used on IELTS Speaking and IELTS Writing.

These are sure to impress the IELTS Examiner!

Lindsay shared that OKRs have helped her better manage time.

We discussed OKRs on Episode 1325 of the All Ears English podcast.

Check it out for details on how they can help you too!

Jessica is looking into dog training to help her save time.

We all need time management strategies!

Where on the IELTS exam would you describe wasting time?

You might be asked informal questions related to time.

Speaking Part 1

  • Your daily routine
  • If you wish you had more time to read, study or exercise
  • How much time you spend with friends

Speaking Part 2

  • Describe an event or an occasion
  • Describe a time you were lazy all day

You could also be asked formal questions about time.

Speaking Part 3 or Writing Task 2

  • How do we teach children to manage their time?
  • Should children be allowed to spend time on electronic devices?
  • Why are adults not more productive?

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What phrases can be used to describe wasting time?

a time suck: noun phrase describing something that wastes time

Example: I did some online research and it was a total time suck!

This has a negative connotation.

Use it to describe any time when you spend a lot of time on something.

a black hole: a time waster that decreases productivity

Do not be distracted by the black hole of IELTS forums.

to lose yourself in something: being so immersed in an activity that you lose track of time

This is an idiom that has more of a positive connotation.

I lost myself in a book the other day. Suddenly 4 hours had passed!

go down a rabbit hole: researching something and investigating tangents

This can be positive if you are learning and being productive.

It can also be negative if you let it be a time suck!


These 4 phrases for wasting time are extremely high level.

Using them on the IELTS exam will boost your Vocabulary score.

In addition, you do not want to let your IELTS exam preparation be a time suck!

Join 3 Keys IELTS and get our study plan today.

That way you know that your time is used effectively.

You will also have the strategies you need to succeed on the exam!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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