Today we teach you a grammar hack!
You’ll learn a simple grammar structure that is easy to use on IELTS.
It’s extremely native and impressive.
This grammar structure can help get you a Speaking 9.
Future from a Past Perspective
This grammar form sounds complicated, but is actually quite simple!
It is a way to refer to what someone thought the future would be like when they were younger.
It’s formed using the simple past and “would” with the bare infinitive.
- I thought I would grow up to be a neurosurgeon.
- I thought I would say…
- I thought I would do…
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Why should you use this on IELTS?
In order to get a high grammar score, you need high level grammar.
However, you don’t want to use complicated, difficult grammar that can lead to many mistakes and pull down your score.
This is a grammar form that is simple.
If you practice, you’ll be able to use it perfectly.
You can then get a high grammar score using a few impressive structures that are not overly complex.
#1: Speaking Part 1
Speaking Part 1 often has questions about your childhood.
You need to be ready!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional soccer player when I grew up.
I thought I would be a computer programmer when I grew up.
#2: Speaking Part 2
You need to tell a story in order fill the full 2 minutes on Speaking Part 2.
Use the future from a past perspective to talk about what you thought would be different.
Describe the last party you went to.
Before I went to the party, I thought it would be so boring. But then I met several new friends and it was really fun!
If you’re having a hard time filling the time, use this grammar form!
Let’s say you’re asked to describe the last book you read and you’ve described the plot and don’t have much more to say.
I imagined the maid would be the murderer, but it was the butler!
I believed the book would have a happy ending, yet it was very sad and tragic.
We did a vocabulary episode talking about childhood in IELTS Episode 494.
Review that episode and combine high level vocabulary with high level grammar!
#3: Speaking Part 3
You will likely get questions in Speaking Part 3 asking you to compare the past to now.
How has technology changed in the past few decades?
Many people believed that cell phones would never become popular, but they were wrong!
Practice Exercises
For each of these IELTS questions, come up with a sentence using the future from a past perspective.
Practice saying it out loud!
Speaking Part 1
- Did you eat different foods when you were a child than you do now?
- Did you have different hobbies as a child than you do currently?
Speaking Part 2
- Describe a recent vacation you took
- Describe the last gift you received
Speaking Part 3
- Do you think wealth inequality is a bigger problem today than it has been in the past?
- What are some issues facing teenagers today?
You don’t want to use a lot of complex, complicated grammar on IELTS.
This can very easily lead to mistakes that lower your score.
You do, however, need to master a few high level grammar forms that are easier to use.
The future from a past perspective is one of these!
To make sure you are prepared to get a 7 or higher on IELTS speaking, sign up for our free webclass!
It will be live on April 25 and 27 and space is limited!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Please leave a comment below.