Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

What should you do if you have no idea how to answer the Speaking Part 2 question?

Can you ask for a new cue card or a new question?

Should you tell a story that isn’t true?

Today, you’ll get the answers to these questions!

We’ll share the two options you have if you don’t know how to answer the Speaking Part 2 question.

For all the strategies you need, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!

Today’s question

Is it good to use your imagination if you have no ideas about the topic on the cue card in Speaking Part 2.

It is scary to think that you might get a question on IELTS Speaking and have no idea how to answer.

You want to be prepared for this possibility!

Some IELTS questions are weird, so it could definitely happen!

You also might be asked about something you have no experience with.

Watch the video now!

Can you ask for a new question?


You have to answer the question you are given.

You cannot ask for a new card.

If you want a 7 or higher, you must talk for the entire 2 minutes.

You have to be prepared to answer, no matter what the question is!

Option #1: Be honest

First, say why you don’t know anything about it.

If it’s about a museum, explain why you have no experience.

Honestly, in the small town where I grew up there are zero museums.

You are adults with a lifetime of experience!

You will have something to say about any topic.

Say anything!

Once you answer the question, you can say anything related.

Actually, all I can say about this relates to a movie I saw recently.

It was about a heist in a museum.

  • heist: robbery

It can be details from:

  • Movies
  • Books
  • Newspaper article
  • Friends’ experiences

Strategies Created by a Former IELTS Examiner

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Option #2: Make something up

Invent an experience and tell a story about it.

Imagine what it would’ve been like and share details.

This can be difficult!

If you have a hard time using your imagination, don’t choose this option!

If you are inventing experiences, it is hard to come up with specific details!

Go with option #1 if this is a struggle, so it doesn’t lower your Fluency score.


You have to answer the question you’re given in Speaking Part 2.

It’s vital that you’re prepared to speak for 2 minutes, no matter the topic.

If you have no idea what to say, you can choose one of these two options.

Either be honest about your lack of experience or make something up!

Whichever you choose, you need strategies to get 7 or higher on IELTS Speaking.

Join our study system today for all the insider Examiner strategies you need!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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