Today you’ll find out why we recommend computer-delivered IELTS, and how to prepare for it.
Go to to get the 3 Keys IELTS system for every IELTS Exam.
Jessica took the computer-delivered IELTS Exam last summer, to test out our 3 Keys strategies.
You know what, they worked!
We like the computer-delivered exam better than the paper version.
In today’s video, we tell you why!
Watch the video now!
Writing Exam
If you have bad handwriting, the Computer-delivered exam is the best option.
For most people, it’s also faster to type.
This leaves you more time to proofread your work.
IELTS Energy podcast Episode 822 provides details about the differences on the computer exam for the Writing Exam.
Listening Exam
You can change the volume at any time, and you get to wear headphones.
This also eliminates outside distractions.
Check out the IELTS Energy podcast on Listening Exam differences on the computer exam.
Strategies Created By a Former IELTS Examiner
100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s 100% guaranteed.
Reading Exam
No flipping pages!
It’s a split screen, so you see the questions right next to the passage.
You can also highlight text and mark questions for later review.
Speaking Exam
This exam is separate from the other sections of the test.
It will be the same, whether you sign up for Paper-delivered or Computer-delivered.
You still talk to a real IELTS Examiner, like Jessica!
We now have a Computer IELTS study system!
We are happy to announce that our 3 Keys IELTS course is available for the computer-delivered exam!
All the practice you do in the course is just like what you’ll see on test day.
There are some important differences between the paper and the computer tests, and you need to be fully prepared for the version you will take.
How does the 3 Keys Success System help students improve their scores?
We know these strategies work, as they helped our student Renata increase from a 7.5 to a 9 on Reading, and a 6.5 to a 7.5 on Writing.
She took the computer-delivered exam, and got an overall 8!
In our course, you’ll learn exactly what to do on the computer version, what functions you should use, and what features to ignore.
This will make you the coolest, calmest, most confident candidate in the room.
In our online IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS, we give you all the strategies and practice you need to score highly on all parts of the IELTS exam.
Check out our online course now, the only one with a guaranteed score increase, at
We recommend computer-delivered IELTS over paper-delivered for many reasons!
If it is available in your area, take advantage of the perks that come with it!
We have launched our computer study system within 3 Keys IELTS.
It is the only one available!
In it, you can complete online practice exercises that prepare you for test day.
You also learn the 3 Keys strategies for each part of the exam, so you can get the scores you need!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Please leave a comment below.