You may be planning to take the computer-delivered IELTS exam.

In fact, if you have the opportunity, we recommend it.

There are some differences between paper and computer!

This is because you have more control in a few ways.

Today we answer 3 questions about the computer exam.

Listen in so you are ready for test day!

If you weren’t aware, we have a computer IELTS course!

Check it out today!

Why opt for the computer exam?

For most people, it will feel more comfortable.

This is because most people are computer literate.

As long as you are a skilled typist, this will be better.

The questions are the same.

However, a few things may be easier

  • Audio: you can control the audio volume and can likely hear better

You don’t know what the audio will be like on the paper test!

It could be in a large room that echos.

Question #1: Who grades computer-based exams?

A curiosity: Who corrects IELTS computer based exam Listening/reading/writing: British council/IDP/Cambridge or the test centers?

The computer grades the Listening and Reading exams.

However, the Writing exam is sent to Examiners working from home.

All Examiners are given the same training.

It doesn’t matter which test center they work in.

They are held to the same standards.

Examiners are no longer trained in both Writing and Speaking

In the past, Examiners were trained to do both.

However, IELTS now sends essays to Examiners that are working from home.

They receive the training and are still qualified.

However, they now either administer Speaking exams or correct Writing exams and not both.

Students have asked us if they can repeat high level vocabulary on both Speaking and Writing.


It will not be the same person who sees or hears both.

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Question #2: Controlling computer exam audio

Can I start the listening test audio when I want?

Am I given a minute to look at the questions before starting the audio?

You can’t start and stop the audio when you want.

There is an instructions screen you look at, and on that screen is a button that says ‘start’.

Then the screen will go to the first section as the audio starts.

The same time is allowed to look at the questions before as is given on the paper exam, though.

Therefore, you’ll have 30 seconds to highlight. 

Question #3: Reviewing answers

Regarding the computer version, I have a doubt related to the review function.

Will the questions I’ve marked to review automatically appear at the end for me to check them?

There are numbers at the bottom of the screen.

They correspond to each question.

Any that you have flagged can be seen as highlighted throughout the whole test.

You can also see them when you reach the end. 

At any point, you can click them to go directly to that question.

Where do you get answers to IELTS questions?

If you have a question about the exam, who do you ask?

  • Do you search online?
  • Do you ask a friend or teacher?

You need to make sure the answer you receive is accurate!

It is vital that you have trusted sources!

Incorrect or inaccurate information can affect your score on test day!

What is the best source for IELTS answers?

Our 3 Keys Facebook group is the best source out there!

You can ask any question about IELTS.

  • Help with practice questions
  • Information about the exam
  • Clarification on strategies

Jessica and Aubrey answer all questions in this private group.

We answer all questions within 24 hours, and often sooner!

This way, you know your answers will be quick and accurate!

To gain access, sign up for our IELTS course 3 Keys IELTS!


If you have the opportunity, we recommend opting for the computer exam.

However, you need to know what to expect.

We have many episodes with details about the this version.

We created a course specific for preparing you for the computer-delivered test.

It allows you to become familiar with the functions you will have.

If you have any further questions, ask them in our 3 Keys Facebook group!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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