Would you like to be able to be funny in English?
Want to know how to tell a joke and make people laugh?
Our next FREE live English webclass is coming up on March 28th and March 30th. We are going to show you how to be funny in English.
Go here now to sign up before spots run out.
You don’t have to be “born funny” to have a good sense of humor. It’s possible to learn to be funny in your own language and in English.
What are we going to do in this webclass?
We are going to identify the most common types of humor and tell you how to create some jokes that will help you build those connections.
- You’ll learn about anecdotal humor and how to tell funny stories.
- You’ll find out about embellishing/exaggerating and why this is so common in American English
- You’ll see what makes things funny in American English
- We’ll show you how to understand humor that you hear on TV and in movies