Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

Our guests today are the hosts of the IELTS Speaking for Success podcast!

They will share fantastic advice for the speaking exam.

You will also learn phrases you should never say on IELTS Speaking.

We’ll teach you higher scoring alternatives.

Listen in for strategies to boost your IELTS Speaking scores.

Who are Maria and Rory?

Maria is a CELTA tutor and IELTS teacher trainer.

Rory is an independent English teacher specializing in Exam Preparation.

Together they are the hosts of the IELTS Speaking for Success podcast.

You can also find their channel by the same name on YouTube.

They provide model answers with high level vocabulary.

#1: Don’t just say, ‘I don’t know

You can’t just respond, “I don’t know.”

It’s vital that you have some kind of answer!

This will lower your Fluency and Coherence scores because you’re not showing your fluency.

It’s a speaking exam so you have to speak!

It’s fine to admit you don’t know

If you are very unfamiliar with the topic, you can admit this!

What you can say will depend on the question.

Match the tone!

If it’s a serious topic, you can say:

Well, that’s honestly not a topic I’m familiar with. However, if I had to guess…

If it’s a Part 1 question that is more informal you can say:

Wow, I actually have no idea!

Say why the question is odd

You can paraphrase the question and emphasize the oddness.

The favorite colors of my friends? Huh. I can literally say this thought has never crossed my mind.

Remember that the Examiner doesn’t expect you to know everything.

The Examiner also might think some of the questions are odd!

You can mention this as a filler while you think of what to say!

#2: Don’t use too many idioms

Your speech must be natural.

Don’t use two idioms in one sentence.

If you are forcing yourself to use multiple idioms unnaturally, your score can actually decrease.

Don’t squeeze in idioms when they don’t make sense or aren’t natural.

Don’t say, ‘I always wake up early. The early bird gets the worm so I rise and shine at 6 a.m.’

Strategies Created By a Former Examiner

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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.

#3: Don’t use swear words

Some language is inappropriate on the IELTS exam.

You could possibly offend the Examiner if you curse.

Instead, use less offensive alternatives!

  • Well fiddlesticks!
  • Shoot.
  • Darn it I forgot the name of that book! 

You can definitely express your frustration.

You don’t need to say, “That’s so stupid!”

Instead, keep it light and friendly!

#4: Don’t repeat vocabulary

So many students say the word ‘people’ over and over.

Instead, use a synonym.

  • Folks
  • Ladies and gents
  • Individuals

Get specific regarding who you’re talking about!

  • Students
  • Performers
  • Athletes
  • Adolescents
  • Family members

Your vocabulary score goes down if you repeat vocabulary.

Share synonyms or paraphrase the sentence to avoid this!


If you are making the mistakes we talked about today, you’re not alone!

These errors are extremely common.

With today’s tips, you know how to avoid them and what to stay instead!

Be sure to check out Maria and Rory’s podcast IELTS Speaking for Success podcast.

Click here to sign up for their premium content.

It is a fantastic resource for sample IELTS Speaking answers!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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