In this video, you’ll learn specifically how to increase your Task score for the General Training Letter on the IELTS Exam.
When preparing for IELTS, it’s necessary to know what you’re graded on.
After all, if you don’t know what the examiner is looking for in order to award you a 7 or an 8, how can you fulfill those expectations?
IELTS publishes the Public IELTS Descriptors online. You can read these yourself, and have a much clearer picture of what each scoring category means.
Now, let’s get to specifics. In order to score a 7 for Task Achievement in the General Training letter, you must show a clear purpose in your ideas, and use an appropriate tone.
If you want an 8 for Task, you have to clearly illustrate the bullet points, and, of course, have consistent and appropriate tone.
How do you show clear purpose, and illustrate it with clarity?
Only write about the bullet points from the question. Be specific!
Nearly all of your sentences should be providing details about the bullet points from the question. These points must be creative and specific.
To think of details to add, remember the question words who, what, when, where, why and how.
Example question:
You had your car repaired last week, but this week you are experiencing the same issue with your vehicle again.
Write a letter to the mechanic, and describe:
- Last week’s service
- The car’s problem now
- What you want him/her to do
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Sample brainstorm:
Details about last week’s service:
Location- SE Powell Jiffy Lube, took 3 hours to fix breaks and replace brake pads, mechanic named Jake Tully
Details about the problem now:
Driving to class, every stop sign and stop light, car made noise of metal scraping on metal, other motorists were staring at me to see if I was OK
Details about fixing problem:
2 options- credit my card with the amount paid, $500, or do service again for free, available Friday 11am-4pm
Try to practice brainstorming details for a couple days to focus just on improving this skill.
Then, when you are more confident coming up with specific ideas, you can start timing yourself and writing the letter.
How would you answer today’s question?
Share your ideas in the comments section below!