Have you ever had a food or drink that made you feel completely satisfied?
Have you ever wondered how to express that in English?
Today we are going to talk about ways to say something was fulfilling and we are going to focus it on food.
The phrase “hit the spot” can be used about other things but when you hear it you most likely think of eating or drinking.
Of course, one of the greatest times to connect with others is over food or drinks, so this phrase is an important one.
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Looking At This Common Phrase
When you say something hits the spot, it means that it’s really satisfying, fulfilling, or just a generally good thing.
So what hits the spot?
- A glass of ice water or lemonade on a hot day
- A cup of coffee when you’re really tired
- A delicious sandwich when you were really hungry
- A dessert when you’re craving sweets
- A glass of wine or beer at the end of a long day
So how/when would you use this phrase?
You would tend to use it after you have a food or drink that you really enjoy.
L: Oh my gosh that was delicious.
M: I know, it really hit the spot. I was so hungry!
Other Ways To Express Satisfaction
You feel satisfied and generally happy, and you want to express that in the right way.
How else can you express this feeling?
- Was just what I needed: This is the ultimate way to express that you are satisfied and that your needs were fulfilled.
M: Oh my gosh that glass of lemonade was just what I needed. It’s so hot outside!
L: I know!
- Refreshing: It’s a great way to express that something was a nice boost or a generally pleasing experience.
L: There is nothing more refreshing than an iced coffee in the morning.
M: That salad was so refreshing and light!
- Satisfying: It’s straightforward and to the point because it says exactly how you feel. This satisfied you and therefore made you happy.
L: Oh my goodness this meal is so satisfying
M: I know. I told you this was a good restaurant!
These words and phrases are really helpful in connecting with others in these situations.
Iti s so much more interesting than describing something as “good” or “delicious.”
Try using these for a nice twist and see how they can add to a conversation.
People love to connect over food and drinks.
Roleplay To Help
As always a roleplay can help you to see how this works.
Let”s take a look at using some of these phrases firsthand.
Lindsay and I are getting brunch – do you like brunch Lindsay?
L: So what should we get?
M: Well I’m starting with an iced coffee. It’s really good here. Really refreshing.
L: Sounds good to me! Oh wow–I love when they give out warm bread. Mmm that really hit the spot.
M: Yeah that’s just what I needed. I was getting hangry!
L: Same. Ooo I’m gonna get the burger. That sounds really satisfying right now.
These words and phrases will help you connect with people, especially over a meal or a drink.
Try to use these words and phrases instead of good and delicious.
See how they add to the conversation in a really fun and effective way.
Think of what meals or drinks are refreshing or satisfying to you to get the conversation started.
If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.