Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
native english expression

Do you have any distinguishing features about the way that you move?

Have you ever considered if you have anything unique about the way that you speak?

Do you wish to have a certain speaking style in English?

Though you might not realize it, there are similarities when it comes to having style in the way that we speak and the way that we move.

We’re going to look at what it means to have individual style in the way that we speak, as well as the ways in which we can influence this particularly when learning English.

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Everyone Has A Different Style

When you really think about it, you move differently than anyone else.

If you think it through, you have your own way of moving and your own style.

Think of how you look when you walk, when you bowl, when you run, or just when you move about your day.

Lindsay noticed that her right foot always moves to the side when she walks, putting her toe at a strange angle.

Think of how you carry yourself and how you move, even the posture that you have each day.

Everyone moves differently, and therefore this ends up becoming part of your overall style.

We’re looking at style in a bit of a different way today, but start with figuring out what the way you carry yourself says about this.

The way you walk, the posture that you keep, the way that you move about your day–these all say things about who you are and your own unique style.

Looking At What This Really Means

So your style is what makes you an individual and unique, and it’s an important part of who you are.

It’s how others perceive you, but also how you create and see yourself.

There was an interesting article about the way that we move which ties to this “Something In The Way We Move” by Gretchen Reynolds in October 2019. Something In The Way We Move

The article is interesting because it talks about our unique moving styles.

It talks about the unique ways that we not only move, but also in how we speak.

That’s something that you may have never even considered before, but the truth is that we all have unique speaking styles too.

The article talks about how we can often recognize those close to us by their walking style–that may seem crazy but it’s true.

It also mentions that different things can change our actual walk, such as what we’re wearing that day.

So though we have our own individual style when it comes to walking or movement, something as simple as what we are wearing that day can change that up.

There are studies that go in depth about the unique ways in which people move, and this even has to do with the muscle makeup of your body.

So if you see just how unique people’s movements are, then you can see how this would apply to your speaking style.

The way in which you speak is unique, just like the way in which you carry yourself.

You might not see the correlation between your unique movement and your unique speaking style, but you’re going to start to understand it.

Think of what your style says about you overall right now, and then you can start to make connections to this in the way that you speak.

Showing Your Style In Another Language

So if you want to show your style in your speaking, you want to think this through.

This can be particularly challenging or require more thought if you are trying to show that style in another language.

If you are learning English but you still want to show your individual style, there are a few ways that you can do that.

  1. Learn MANY ways to say the same thing: This may sound complicated, but it’s really not. We always talk about what your own personal vocabulary is, and this is why. No two people speak alike, and that’s actually really fun. It’s like snowflakes that there are no two that are the same. So learn many different ways to say the same thing and you can really start to create your own unique speaking style.  
  2. Choose which words speak to you and know why: Do you like how something sounds? Do you want to be a sarcastic person? Are you more sincere? Develop your English personality based upon your likes and what sounds good to you. This takes thought and practice, but it will eventually click what sounds good to you. The words that sound good to you become more natural, and your own vocabulary and style starts to develop from here.
  3. Listen to those you want to be like: Listen to those speaking around you in a variety of different environments. This can be everything from TV characters, friends, professors, coworkers, and more. Try to pick out specific things you like about the way they speak, and then incorporate this into your own unique style. It may not only be words, but also how you speak and express yourself. This is primarily about intonation because it plays an important role in this.
  4. Practice! You don’t have to choose right away. Try out different words, idioms, intonation patterns and see what works for you. Try to see what resonates with you and makes you feel most like yourself. That’s the goal is to let your language feel natural and then this is truly your very own style. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes and then it’s your new norm.

These steps can help you to create a style that is truly your own.

Then you build confidence in your speaking abilities and learn to make this a natural way of how you speak and interact with others.

This is you create your own unique style, feel good about speaking to others, and learn to really enjoy your conversations in the process.


Speaking and walking are really the same if you think about it.

Everyone is different and if you disguised your voice, you have to wonder if your family would still know it was you.

You think that your movement is pretty unique to just you, and in some ways it is.

You have to find your own speaking style, which can be tough at first in a new or different language.

Try out the tips we mentioned, and see how they work for you.

Creating your own unique speaking style can be fun and can work really well in the end.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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