Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
show flexibility in English

What do bridges and wind have in common?

Both are parts of idioms that we use to describe flexibility.

We’re going to learn how to talk about your flexibility, and why this is such an important part of conversation.

Whether you’re flexible or not, knowing how to talk about this can be very important.

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Can Spontaneity Be A Good or Bad Thing?

Last episode we talked about a great phrase which was “play it by ear.”

We’re going to expand on this idea of talking about and being flexible.

It can cause problems if you are not on the same page as your friends when it comes to flexibility.

We’ve talked about flexibility before because this is a huge topic.

Can too much flexibility be a bad thing or work against you?

Can being spontaneous be a bad thing?

It can work against you if it becomes excessive or if you are one extreme and your friends are another.

If there is too much spontaneity this can work against you if you are a planner.

If you are a more spontaneous person, then having too much scheduled or planned can be a negative as well.

Either extreme can be challenging, particularly if you are close to somebody who is the same way as you.

If you have two people who are both spontaneous or flexible, then it may feel as if you never get anything done.

Having some preferences can show confidence and it can allow you to get what you want or what you are interested in.

If you are just getting to know somebody, having some ideas going into a meet up can be a good thing.

If you are getting together with your best friend though, then a bit of flexibility can be nice.

In the end, it’s all about meeting in the middle because that works and keeps everyone happy.

Phrases To Talk About Flexibility

These phrases help you to talk about spontaneity in a really great way.

This is always going to be a part of conversation, and so you want to know how to talk about it.

These phrases can help you to talk about being flexible or being spontaneous, which will always be a topic of conversation.

  • We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it: You might say “well cross that bridge if we get to it” or even “if we come to it.” This isn’t talking about literally crossing a bridge. This is talking about when you make the decision in the moment. Sometimes life can be stressful, and this is nice because it means that you will hold off and make the decision in the moment. It may be that you don’t have enough information to make that decision in this moment, or that there may be some potential problems that could arise. A conversation using this phrase may go like this. A: “What do we do if the train is late?” B: I don’t know. Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”
  • Go with the flow: It means to be flexible and it’s like saying don’t worry about it. It helps to portray a very laid back attitude and a way of just taking things as they come. You could have a good conversation using this phrase and it could go like this. A: “What should we do tomorrow?” B: “Let’s just go with the flow and decide after breakfast.”
  • See where the wind blows us: This is also the same sort of phrase and meaning. It means see where things end up or where the day takes us. You are being flexible and saying that you don’t make the decision, but rather the decision will be made for you. You could have a conversation about this that might sound like this. “A: Do you want to buy tickets or decide tomorrow?” B: “Let’s by them at the door because we don’t know for sure that we want to go. Lets’ see where the wind blows us.”

These phrases can be quite helpful in talking about flexibility.

Whether you are a spontaneous person or somebody who likes to have a plan, being able to talk about flexibility is important.

This is a topic of conversation that it can be great to be a part of, so these phrases give you a good way to do that.

Roleplay To Help

Seeing a roleplay of a phrase in conversation can really help, and this is true here.

In this roleplay Lindsay and Michelle are in Paris and are making plans for the next day on their trip–this is driving Lindsay crazy!

Lindsay: “Do you want to go to the Eiffel Tower? What time?”

Michelle: “Hmm. I don’t know. I do want to go but let’s play it by ear. Maybe tomorrow we will go to a cafe instead and just people watch.”

Lindsay: “Umm okay. There just might be a long line if we don’t plan ahead.”

Michelle: “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Don’t worry!”

Lindsay: “Okay sure. We’ll just see where the wind blows us. (said in a worried way, a bit sarcastic)”

Michelle: “Yeah, just go with the flow!”


It’s good to be flexible, or at least to know how to talk about it.

It’s good to make sure personalities match, and being flexible or spontaneous is a big part of that.

You can use these phrases when making plans when you know it’s okay to be flexible!

Sometimes having a plan is great, but sometimes being spontaneous and flexible is great too.

Now you know how to talk about flexibility in plans, and this is a great way to make connections through common conversations.

Also remember that flexibility is an important skill for IELTS! Click here to learn more about the IELTS Exam.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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