Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

When you lose a thought in your head while you’re speaking English and your mind goes blank there are things you can say to build the connection between you and the other person.

Does this happen to you often?

You don’t need to fear that moment.

Instead, you can use that moment to build the connection.

We always say that it’s about Connection NOT Perfection!

Everyone forgets things!

What to say when your mind goes blank:

  • “It’s on the tip of my tongue”: This is used not only when we forget our thought mid-sentence but also when we are trying to recall facts, figures, or names.
  • “I completely lost my train of thought”: This is great because its natural and you are using descriptive language.
  • “What was I gonna (going to) say?”: Another great way to show the person what is going on in your mind and to ask them to help you recall what you were going to say.


Have you used these phrases before in a conversation with a native English speaker?

Let us know if they helped you build the connection with the person!

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