Today get 5 English idioms to describe something that is easy plus find out how hard it is to use transportation options like Uber, the subway, and the bike rental services in New York City and Boston.
5 Idioms to Say Something Is Easy:
- “It’s a no-brainer”: We use this when we want to say that a decision is easy to make or the right thing to do is obvious.
- “There is a blizzard outside and I need to get to Kendall Square. I’m going to get a car. It’s a no-brainer”
- “It’s a cakewalk”: Something is very easy.
- “That interview was a cakewalk. I am sure I got the job.”
- “It’s a piece of cake”: Something is easy and simple. These days we don’t use this idiom as much.
- “It’s pretty straightforward”: Something is clear and simple to complete and not hard to understand.
- “It’s not very straightforward to assemble IKEA furniture”
- “It’s clear cut”: Something is direct and clear.
- “It’s very clear cut how to get to the person’s house.”
- “Let me spell it out for you”: Let me explain this for you clearly. This can sound condescending if we use it with the wrong tone of voice.
*Listen to our role play conversation to hear how these idioms are used by natives.
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