Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

How could the phrases “I’m up for it” and “I’m down” mean the same thing in English?

Find out today!

Here are some common expressions with “up”:

  • “There are a lot of ups and downs”
  • “I’ve had it up to here!” (this means that you cannot tolerate something anymore)
  • “I’m up to my ears in work” (this means that you have too much work to do. You are at your limit.)
  • “Things are looking up.” (this means that things are getting better)


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Here are some common expressions with “down”:

  • “I’m down” (this means that you are open to participating in something)
  • “What a downer.” (this means that something is a bummer, it/he/she makes you feel bad)
  • “Don’t look down!” (you might say this to someone if you are in a high place and you are afraid of heights)
  • “The downside is ____” (this means the bad part or the negative aspect)


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