What’s your life vision? Where do you want to be by age 35? 45? 55?
Today is Lindsay’s 35th birthday! It’s a big milestone!
Today find out how to write a letter to your future self in English to set your goals and vision for the future and to envision your life the way you want it at a specific time in the future.
A great way to make sure you are living true to your life vision is to send an email to your future self.
You can go to Future Me and write an email to yourself at any point in the future.
What can you put in the email?
First you should envision how you want your life to look when you receive the email.
If I send myself an email on my 40th birthday I could say in the email, “I am in love with the love of my life.”
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What else can you put in your email?
- What do you wish you owned right now? (at the time the email is scheduled to arrive)
- Where do you want your next vacation to be?
- What were the top 3 accomplishments from the last year?
- What are you most worried about? (this question allows you to envision what you want your state of mind to be at a certain point in the future)
This activity is the same thing as vision boarding but in a different format. Learn more about vision boarding here.
What do you think about this activity?
Are you going to write yourself an email in the future?
Let us know your questions below.