Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Today find out how to interrupt someone politely at work with our guest Jon Donnelly.

When you are a business professional in the corporate world, especially in the United States, you will face many situations where there is a lively meeting happening and everyone is talking.

You might have trouble getting your voice heard in a meeting like this.

The reason is that in American culture people don’t always sit back and wait for everyone to speak.

You will need to know how to jump into the conversation in a polite, professional, but assertive way.

This skill is crucial to your success.

In American and British cultures people will judge your competence based on your ability to articulate your ideas.

If you can’t do it you might be considered incompetent.

Today you’ll learn how to do it right.

How to interrupt in a business meeting:

  • “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say…”
  • “Would you mind if I stop you there for a moment. I have to add…”
  • “Can I just mention something here.”

What’s the difference between American and British business culture?

In the US it’s much more relaxed and more formal.

However, in both cultures we recommend that you err on the side of politeness until you get a sense of the company culture.


Jon is a freelance English teacher from the UK. He’s been teaching in South America since 2008. He received a grammar school education, has an honours degree in Biology and is trained in the latest TEFL teaching techniques. He’s widely travelled, fluent in Spanish, can build and fix computers, and loves to cook Indian curry.

How to work with Jon:

Step 1: Register here to get $10 free

Step 2: Find John’s profile at

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