Today we’re talking about the differences between the words “crush” and “crash.”
Plus you’ll find out about the joys and dangers of biking in the city of Boston!
Here is the question from our listener for today:
“Hi Lindsay and Michelle, my name is Dian (pronounced as in “D” plus “Ian”). I’ve been a loyal listener for nearly a year and like many others, I find your episodes really helpful in real-life situations. Thank you! Today I wanna ask about the difference between the two words, ‘crash’ and ‘crush’. They sound similar, and seem to refer something that is collapsing or failing, but I just have a hard time telling the difference. Can you guys clarify in one of your episodes? Thank you!” – Dian
They seem the same and they could be similar but they are different.
We found these definitions at
“Crash” means to collide or fall on something.
- She crashed into a tree.
- She crashed into the sign on her bike
“Crush” means to press something with destructive force.
- The bicycle was crushed under the truck.
- She crushed the can with her foot.
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You can use them together:
- I crashed into the tree on skis and my helmet got crushed
- When he crashed his car the front bumper got crushed.
Other ways to use “crash”:
- It could also mean to go to sleep, especially when you’re really tired.
- Example: Last week I got up at 5 am to pick a friend up at the airport then did a late yoga class and had a glass of wine. I went home and crashed right after that.
To crash a party:
- When you show up at a party uninvited.
- Example: Hey I have nothing to do. Let’s go crash that party tonight.
Other way to use crush:
- I have a crush on that guy. He is so cute with his blond hair.
- She was crushed when she found out she didn’t get into Harvard.
- You’re gonna crush that exam.
What questions do you have from today?
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