Today you’ll learn the difference between “bragging,” “being modest,” and “having a big head” in English.
Today we’re talking about our personalities and how to describe them in English.
We have a question from a listener today.
Here is the question:
Dear Lindsay and Michelle,
“Whats up ? hows it going ? I am Yogesh Chavan from India. First of all I would like to thank you for answering my questions. The way you put across is really commendable. You are really helping people across the world. Thank you once again. This time also I want to ask you some phrases that I heard from native speaker. I have written them down.”
- Being modest and boastful
- Self deprecating
Do you brag?
Are you someone who brags/is boastful?
Bragging could be not only about things you have but about your accomplishments. You might brag about your children’s accomplishments.
Or are you someone who is modest?
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Words to describe someone who brags:
- to brag
- braggart (not used much now)
- to boast
- to flaunt
- to show off
- to rub it in (don’t rub it in)
- to have a big head
Words to describe a modest person:
- modest
- unassuming
- self deprecating (This is slightly different. This is someone who uses humor to make fun of themselves)
- humble
What questions do you have from today?
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