Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Today get the difference between “assume” and “presume” and find out when you should and should not use them in English.

Also, learn about a common Thanksgiving trend for young, urban professionals in the urban US.

Today we have a question from a listener. Here it is:

Hi my amazing hostesses, thank you for another awesome episode. I appreciate your hard work very much.

I have two questions, and hope you would love to cover them someday. First, I heard people end sentences with “though” often. Does though here mean but?

What the difference between though and but? Second, you have introduced ” I bet, I suppose, I think, I reckon”, how about ” I assume” ” I presume”, I feel people use assume more often than presume. But they seem to have similar meanings in dictionary.

Thank you in advance. Have a good one.


“Assume” versus “presume”:

  • Assume: To believe something based on little evidence. To take for granted without proof. To to take a guess based on expectations.
  • Presume: You believe something because you have more evidence or probability that the thing will happen. You have more of a reason to believe it.


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How do we use these words?

  • An assumption you made in the past that is connected to this moment. For example: “I just assumed we would be going in the same car instead of driving separately.”
  • “I assume they serve better beer in Vermont than in NH because there are more breweries.” 
  • “I don’t want to make any assumptions.”
  • “Not to be presumptuous”/” I don’t want to be presumptuous but I am guessing that you work in the legal field.”
  • “That’s a little presumptuous….’ (tone of voice)

Even though the dictionary meaning is a little different we use these two words very similarly – you’ll see how that’s true in the role play. Listen to the episode to hear the role play.


*Bonus phrase:

To jump to conclusions-To assume that you know something without evidence.


What questions do you have about today’s episode?

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