Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

weather and dating in English

Do you know how to talk about the weather in English?

Do you know how to use weather terms to apply to other conversation situations?

Find out how to do it today!

Hi Lindsay and Michelle, I learned a lot from your podcast. I’d like to know the meaning of “below zero”. I live in NY and I heard it very often from the news in winter. I know below zero centigrade is the temperature of freezing water. However, we don’t use Centigrade here. I looked up but I couldn’t find the right meaning. Thank you for your help.


The facts:

Boiling water (at normal pressure) measures 100° in Celsius, but 212° in Fahrenheit. And as water freezes it measures 0° in Celsius, but 32° in Fahrenheit.


Vocabulary using weather in phrases:


  • To be cold-hearted: To be mean or not warm inside. The opposite of this is to be “warm-hearted.”
  • To be hot and cold: To be friendly and in a good mood one minute and the next to be distant and not nice. This can be used to describe a relationship. “Their relationship is really hot and cold these days.”
  • To get cold feet: To get nervous and cancel something at the last minute. This is used a lot to talk about wedding cancellations at the last minute, usually the groom in the movies (except for Runaway Bride).
  • To be hot: To be physically attractive. “Who is hotter? Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio?” or  “Who is the hottest actor in Hollywood?”


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