The IELTS Speaking exam is extremely unique.
If you don’t know what to expect on test day, there are many things that could catch you off guard.
Today we’ll share 3 things that often confuse and trip up students.
Now that you’re aware of these, you won’t get thrown off on exam day!
Insider Examiner tips
Jessica got today’s tips from a current IELTS Examiner.
As an Examiner of 14 years, she made a lot of IELTS Examiner friends.
She has stayed in touch with some of them.
They keep her up-to-date on changes.
Additionally, they share the mistakes they see students make most often.
Today we’ll share the 3 most common with you.
#1: Don’t expect small talk
The IELTS Speaking Examiner is not allowed to greet you when you enter the room.
They start recording your exam before you enter the room.
It is not turned off until you leave and they close the door.
They cannot ask you any questions – not even “How are you?”
It could throw you off for the Examiner to be this unfriendly and unwelcoming.
It feels strange to Examiners as well.
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#2: You can ask for clarification
Many students don’t understand at least one question.
Their tendency is to make assumptions or guess.
Unfortunately, their answer is often off-topic when they do this.
If you don’t understand the question, you can ask!
Ask them to repeat the question, to rephrase it or to clarify a word you don’t understand.
This does not negatively affect your score.
It is much better to make sure you understand to make sure you answer what was asked.
Examiners cannot reassure
If you are visibly nervous, the Examiner cannot help.
They are not allowed to offer words of encouragement.
This may feel strange and unexpected.
Most people in this situation would encourage you.
Don’t be thrown off by their lack of response.
Gather yourself and do your best to answer the question.
Transition between Part 2 and Part 3
Many students are thrown off by the transition from Part 2 to Part 3.
This is because the Examiner doesn’t say “Part 3.”
It’s not in the script and they can’t add it.
Instead, they will ask you a question about your Part 2 answer immediately after you finish speaking.
This is the transition to Part 3 so you can answer it with one brief sentence.
Part 3 signpost
After asking you the question about your Part 2 answer, the Examiner begins Speaking Part 3.
They will say the following:
“We’ve been talking about [Part 2 topic], and I’d like to ask you one or two more questions related to this.”
When you hear this sentence, that is your signpost that Part 3 has begun.
Many students are thrown off by this and think it’s still Part 2.
In that case, they may think they need to continue talking about the Part 2 topic.
Question to avoid
A student wrote in with a question that you need the answer to!
This is a big pet peeve for examiners.
In the speaking test, is it ok to say what score I need to get in the IELTS test to the examiner?
The answer is a resounding, “No!”
Don’t tell the Examiner the score you need.
This will not affect how they score your results and might annoy them!
IELTS can be extremely confusing!
The three things we shared today trip up many students.
This insider Examiner advice can help you be ready for test day.
For all the strategies you need, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!
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