Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Today we answer a listener question about the phrase “I’m flattered.”

Find out what it means and how to use it.

Also get other phrases to mix in that mean the same thing so that you can connect with native speakers.

Here is the question for today:

“Thanks All Ears English. I am really a big fan of your podcasts and look forward to them. I would like you to explain the meaning these two idioms { I am flattered  / Take something for granted } with all the meanings they might have and support with examples.   With my respect for you.”

-Raber Geo


We have already talked about how to use “take for granted” in episode 431.


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What does “I am flattered” mean?

It means: “Thank you. I recognize your comment and I see that you have said something nice. I feel happy.”

When do we use it?

  • Accepting compliments
  • To change the subject and make a transition or to deflect flirting by saying “I’m flattered but….”
  • To put someone in their place by saying, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
  • To say that something is “flattering.” For example, that dress is really “flattering” on you. This means that the dress looks nice on the person. 

Should you deflect and disagree when someone offers you a compliment?

Is it annoying when you offer someone a compliment and they find a way to discredit or reject what you’ve said?

For example:

A: Oh you did such a nice job on your presentation.

B: Oh thanks but it really wasn’t that good.

In Episode 403 we talked about how to show confidence when you accept a compliment.

Check that article to get additional tips.


Other ways to say “I’m flattered” to accept a compliment:

  • “Thanks so much”
  • “Oh I appreciate that”
  • “Thank you for saying that”
  • “That was such a nice thing to say”


Do you have any questions from today’s episode?

Let us know in the comments below.

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