Are you planning to choose an English name?
In today’s episode, an All Ears English listener asked a question related to working in the United States.
If you’re considering choosing a name in English, you’ll want today’s tips!
Listen in and find out details today.
Name mistakes
Have you ever had people mess up your name?
It can be pretty common and you just have to correct them regarding how to pronounce your name.
An All Ears English listener sent in a question that inspired today’s episode regarding names.
Here is the question:
I am working at a company in Korea and I am 41 years old. I have two children and I have a plan to work and live in the USA in near future with them and my husband.
Currently, I have no English name in my company and my counterpart has difficulty with the pronunciation of my first name.
But I am not sure what English name is suitable for my age. I would like to really have my own name but when I search on the internet, the only common names listed are like Olivia, Mia, Emma, and so on.
So could you please recommend some English names for me when you have a chance? Because I don’t have native friends so I can not imagine what kind of name will be suitable for me. I am a career woman and very passionate in any task that I undertake, and very easygoing and extroverted.
If you suggest some female names for me then it will be very motivating to learn my English studying because this time, I will be able to invest every day with All Ears English. It is one of my biggest pleasures, and you are my role models.
Choosing an English name
This is a great question!
It is interesting to discuss if you need to change your name to make it easier to pronounce.
Michelle shares that she took up learning French and she chose to change her name from Michelle to Brigitte.
Lindsay also studied French but she didn’t get to change her name.
Her teacher assigned her the name Francoise.
Part of learning a new language is bringing in your personality.
You don’t have to change it, but you do have the option if you want to.
Before diving into tips on how to change your name, you can also revisit the episode AEE 1472: This Episode Is Calling Your Name–Personification In English
This episode can help you improve your vocabulary.
What to consider
If you decide to choose an English name, there are some things you should think about.
Today we share six things to consider when choosing a name in English.
#1: The year you were born
The listener mentioned finding girls’ names that are very popular now.
Names that are popular now for young girls might not be popular for someone your age.
If you want to find a name that is appropriate for your age, you can include the year you were born when searching on the internet.
We recommend the website
You can easily search for names from the year you were born.
#2: How does it sound to you?
You want to be confident with the name you choose.
You can test it out and listen to it.
Do you like how it sounds?
It is important you are comfortable saying and hearing the name you chose.
You have to like it.
#3: The meaning
Do you resonate with that name and can identify with it?
You can look up the meaning of the name you chose.
It’s not very crucial but it can inspire you.
Many people don’t know the meaning of their name.
For others, it’s very important.
Whether you care what the name’s meaning is will depend on your personal preference.
#4: Spelling
There are a lot of names with spelling variations.
Lindsay’s name is sometimes spelled ‘Lindsey.’
There is ‘Sarah’ and ‘Sara.’
This can easily be a connection opportunity because you can meet someone with a similar name.
You can guess if you spell your name the same.
#5: Popularity
You can go with the option of choosing a common and popular name or be unique and opt for something different.
This is also according to personal preference.
Some like unique names and others do not.
Your name is your identity and you can easily express yourself by choosing a name that fits your personality.
#6: Do you want it to sound like your original name?
There are some who choose an English name that sounds like their original name.
It removes the feeling of changing your name entirely.
You can find a name that sounds similar if you choose.
You have to consider many things before choosing an English name.
It is not required so you don’t have to change it if you don’t want to or don’t feel like it.
What’s important is that you are comfortable.
It is okay to correct someone if they mispronounce your name.
It may take time for native English speakers to get the hang of saying your name but they will learn it eventually.
Names are important and there are many things to consider if you want to choose an English name.
Do you want to choose an English name?
Share the name you choose and why in the comments below.