Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"
Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

What is your shopping style?

Do you buy things on impulse or do you take your time?

Listen in on today’s episode and learn three new ways to talk about the way you shop.

Find out how to describe your style today.

Shopping style

Aubrey asks Lindsay if she usually shops around when she needs to buy something or is she more likely to make impulse purchases.

Lindsay shares that it depends on what she is shopping for.

Most of the time she shops around because she wants to be thorough with her choices.

Aubrey is an impulse shopper.

She shares that she buys a bunch of stuff on Amazon and returns what doesn’t work.

Both Aubrey and Lindsay don’t like going to malls.

They prefer to shop online.

Today’s topic is about the phrasal verb ‘shop around.’

This was briefly touched on in episode AEE 2070: How Workout Culture can Build Connection in English

Aside from discussing ‘shop around’, Lindsay and Aubrey will also share similar useful phrases.

Conversation starters

Talking about shopping is a great conversation starter.

There are many words and expressions you can use to share about something you purchased or share your experience when you shop.

Today you’l learn great vocabulary that you can use in a conversation.

#1: Shop around

This means to go to different stores or companies to compare prices or quality of goods and services before you make the purchase.

Especially for things that are expensive, most would want to ensure they are spending wisely and are making the right choice when buying something.

I’ve been shopping around for a new car.

Do you shop around before making a big purchase?

#2: Do research

This means to look up information or ask around so you can make an informed decision.

  • ask around: phrasal verb that means to ask for opinions

When you do research for a purchase, it’s different from research for school papers.

It’s reading reviews and listening to opinions or feedback from others.

I need to do research before I decide what phone to buy.

#3: Impulse shopper/impulse purchase

An impulse buyer is someone who buys without much research.

What they buy is called an impulse purchase.

Impulse shoppers just buy without thinking much about it.

This has a negative tone to it.

I’m trying to avoid impulse buying. I need to shop around before deciding.

I’m a bit of an impulse shopper. I don’t always do my research before making large purchases.

#4: Buyer’s remorse

This is a feeling of regret experienced after making a purchase.

It’s typically for a purchase regarded as unnecessary or extravagant.

It’s an awful feeling.

Many people experience it after making a quick purchase or when they’ve bought something expensive.


This roleplay uses the vocabulary shared in today’s episode.

You’ll get to see how these are used in a conversation.

In this scenario, Lindsay and Aubrey are chatting during lunch.

Aubrey: I’ve been really bad about impulse buying lately. Are you an impulse shopper?
Lindsay: I try not to be. I’m pretty good with shopping around, especially for large purchases.
Aubrey: I usually am too, but it’s tough when I get really busy. I definitely should’ve done more research before buying this car.
Lindsay: Oh no! Is it having problems?
Aubrey: Yes, it was a total impulse purchase and now I’m regretting it.

Aubrey and Lindsay discuss ‘lemons’ they’ve had in the past.

This is slang that refers to a car that does not run well.


Keep having interesting conversations and be ready with the vocabulary to keep it going.

Take the courage to initiate conversations so you can build strong connections and relationships with the people around you.

Learning about the habits and preferences of other people will definitely help you get to know them better.

This will also help you to share about yourself.

Shopping is an activity that many people will have something to say about.

This makes it a great conversation topic!

Are you an impulse shopper or do you shop around?

Let us know in the comments below.

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